Friday, April 30, 2010

mindless mayhem

(The key is in the media.You get art for adolesants, you get violent upheaval
and real ugly shite happens to the body. Check out the comic books. The levels
of mindless mayhem go higher and higher. And don't even talk about DOOM. Our
culture's getting sucked into this big pink wadge of Bazooka Joe. Why?
We're getting ready for the great leap forward(?)... (Paul McEnery, Mondo'95)

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Outcasts capable of transpiring
at a given moment,
of ejecting that little black mucous,
that waxy fart of hideous pain
at the end of
the turnstile of blood.
(by Antonin Artaud)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

For in the day of evil he hid me in his shelter,
he smuggled me in hiding in his tent,
he uplifted me on a rock! -- (Ps.27:5)
He who is drowned is not troubled by the rain.

Monday, April 26, 2010

gin and tacos

[painting by LUBinus LABinus]
Waking up to a breakfeast
gin and tacos
don't know about the refried beans
washing it down with last night's stale beer
fortified with cigarette buts
what a way to start the day
the breakfast of champions...
probably have a wicked case
of the squirts by late afternoon
the breakfast of those on the cutting edge
the brunch of the in-crowd
the yummy meal of those on
the outer-edge fringe
[written LUBinus]

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lubinus Labinus

The Green Budgies
.... Where the fagz walk with a gleam in their eye and where lesbian-twat'z move with a strut and a swagger. She drank a lot of black-coffee, smoked a lot of Pot and always dreamed of Lubinus mounting all the Town-Pig-Fooker'z. In the past thirty years Pavlik Sweet-Dick had, on Monday mornings, always awoken with a massive boner while listening to "I'm In the Mood" by J. L. Hooker. It was like a salute to, all the pig-fookers around. Lorne, a one-eyed She-Dwarf who had no Azz-hole and a foul-mouth that opened sideways got pregnant and produced a child that liked to drag his head through the mud and farted all the time. It was a very strange town. Two bitter budgies could be seen perched on a bench just inside the train station. They constantly traded insults and often fought, resulting in a cloud of green and white feathers and screeching bird-noises. "Nice pool-shoes ya'z sweet Flat-fook!"... No one paid any attention to them... except Pavlic Sweet-Meat. One day he cut them down wit hiz sawed-off 12 gauge shotgun, screaming, "die you'z sweet Flat-Dumb-Fooker'z." The END...
[Written by Lubinus Labinus]

Friday, April 23, 2010

it goes on

If people never did silly things,
nothing intelligent would ever get done. - Ludwig Wittgenstein
In three words I can sum up everything
I've learned about life: it goes on. - Robert Frost

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Others may complain that you are not sincere with them,
you are too domineering or passive, or unfair in some respect.

Friday, April 16, 2010

At least two-thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity, human malice and those great motivators and justifiers of malice and stupidity: idealism, dogmatism and proselytizing zeal on behalf of religous or political ideas. - Aldous Huxley

To know all is not to forgive all. It is to despise everybody. - Quentin Crisp

Thursday, April 15, 2010


The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn. - David Russell

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The first person to put up a fence was a Criminal!
This immortality
Some of you create, when is it the time to do so and not to do so onward you, to this immortality... shattered in being, the struggle
What of it, how is it to create in this web of immortality... it may it kill you, this creation, when, where, this waiting, writing is on the walls you ask of you, why, scribble on write of your friends that stab you in the back or the rat that steals your gold
the friend that openly lies to you those that cheat you those that steal your ideas them that lead down the false path the ones that use as a means to their ends
those that never seem to lose living on a mountain of lies where is this semblence of a normal life friends that live in their world and I live in mine for the poet immortality....
this immortality what is true, of this chance to create when, or what if, or, it gets the muse to reach out to you to write, then waiting, you get to higher ground you get grounded on the reef of doom fall into the abyss of words, ideas, universe's
this important something,
or is it a nothing there is this road of which some will never know where dreams met reality in ones heart, a place on the ilse bliss for those of you, that create.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Albert Camus
The aim of art, the aim of a life, can only be to increase the sum of freedom and responsibility to be found in every man and in the world. It cannot, under any circumstances, be to reduce or suppress that freedom, even temporarily.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Da Crow

"I wanted to explore the ambiguity of journalism... It's a kind of a conceit that journalists live under, that they remain objective. That's never been my experience. They're all too human, all too emotionally affected. Someone could write absolute rubbish about you because their aunty's having a problem with cancer or something. It's the way they re-balance themselves. So I think examining that conceit and examining the true input of human experience in the journalism that we read, it was very interesting for me."
Russell Crowe on his attraction to the role of Cal McAffrey.[19]

Friday, April 9, 2010

I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image. - Stephen Hawking

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Save your money ... God told me I'm going to win. (Advice to customers at a lotto ticket booth.)
Who can take tomorrow, dip it in a dreamSeparate the sorrow and collect up all the creamThe Candy Man, the Candy Man canThe Candy Man can 'cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste goodYes, the Candy Man can 'cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste gooda-Candy Man, a-Candy Man, a-Candy ManCandy Man, a-Candy Man, a-Candy Man

Monday, April 5, 2010


Don't let yourself get too cocky today --
you may be doing quite well, but humility is a much better bet for you right now. People are watching out for arrogance, and will stop at nothing to bring it down!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

A Spanish FisherMan on Ibiza told me once,
you can polish a turd, but it's still a piece of Crap.