Saturday, October 3, 2009


On faith, Constantine named this cross the Labarum, and ordered it put on all shields and standards. The cross was composed of the Greek letters 'Chi' (which looks like an English 'X' (and sounds like a 'Ki') and Rho (which looks like an English capital 'P' and sounds like row). These two Greek letters, "ki" "row" stand for "Christ".
In 312 AD, the Emperor Constantine surveyed the barbarian horde across from him at the Milvian Bridge on the outskirts of Rome. Knowing he needed a miracle to defeat this much larger force, he looked up to God and saw an incredible cross of light in the sky.
That night, as he lay in his bed looking for guidance, Christ appeared to him and told him to take a replica of the sign he had seen with him into battle the following morning.

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