Tuesday, August 26, 2014


No herdsman, and one herd! Everyone wants the same; everyone is equal: whoever thinks otherwise goes voluntarily into the madhouse.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Zarathustra's Prologue, Friedrich Nietzsche 

It is not the ferocity of the beast of prey that requires a moral disguise but the herd animal with its profound mediocrity, timidity and boredom with itself.

The Gay Science : Fifth Book, 352. Why we can hardly Dispense with Morality, Friedrich Nietzsche  

Fortunately the world is not built solely to serve good natured herd animals their little happiness

Ecce Homo, Why I am a Destiny, Friedrich Nietzsche   

The long and serious study of the average man - and consequently much disguise, self-overcoming, familiarity, and bad intercourse (all intercourse is bad intercourse except with one's equals): - that constitutes a necessary part of the life history of every philosopher; perhaps the most disagreeable, odious, and disappointing part.

Beyond Good and Evil, Chapter 2, The Free Spirit, Friedrich Nietzsche   

the canary cafe, toronto, gone now!

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