Monday, August 10, 2015

FOR kat day

FOR kat day
Pavlos Gaugan

(Not mine, but the experience of white water rafting was the same) What’s it actually like? Frightening. You’re handed an oar, perched on the side of an inflatable boat alongside eight total strangers (in my case, at least), and expected to maintain basic coordination while you drop down what seems like an endless succession of ridges and get blasted by an infinite number of giant waves. Slowly but surely, you learn to place your trust in your team-mates. And then, inevitably, it all goes wrong: the boat flips, everything goes dark, and you’re thrust through the remaining ridges and waves on your back. Weirdly, this was the most exciting part of the session, and not at all scary. Either this means I had a good working understanding of the course’s safety procedures, or that my heart is black and I welcome the prospect of death with open arms. Fingers crossed it’s the former.
Best and worst bit The worst bit is inevitably the safety briefing, where the instructor lists all the horrible things that could happen to you. The best bit is when the horrible things actually do happen. Who knew almost drowning could be so exhilarating? Is it worth it? Absolutely.

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