Friday, December 4, 2015

I slapped him and.............

"I was at a place called the Dragon Bar on Old Street. I was introduced to a couple of guys who were like 'whoa it's nice to meet you!'. When I was introduced to Banksy, I went 'Oh yeah I've heard of you mate, how you doing?' and he went 'well I've never heard of you'...he dismissed me as a nobody, as nothing. So with that I slapped him and went 'oh what you ain't heard of me? you won't forget me now will you?' and with that he picked up his glasses and ran off." = King 
 Robbo~ biatch slap u mate★★★★

In the 2000s, Spector became the subject of two trials
 for murder and a second-degree conviction. He is 
serving a prison sentence of 19 years to life and
 will be 88 years old before becoming eligible for parole

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