Thursday, June 21, 2018

Trust that everything is working smoothly under, the Pavlos Lismo BLOG

 [jerry]-Since it was first published in 1951, more than 65 million copies of The Catcher in the Rye have been sold. Around 250,000 copies of the book are sold each year, almost 685 per day.
I'm sick of not having the courage to be an absolute nobody.~Jerry

“It’s June 21st, the summer solstice, and for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the longest day (in terms of daylight hours) of the year. Today the daylight hours will get progressively shorter as the tilt of the earth’s axis begins to tilt away from the sun until the North Pole is farthest from the sun on December 21st, the shortest day of the year and the Winter Solstice. In Arizona, from the winter solstice until now, I have watched the sun move farther north (to the left in this image looking east) every day. Today, the sun will move as far north as it ever will from my view. This is the view of the High Sonoran Desert of Arizona from my home as the rising sun lights up the layers of mountains and the iconic Four Peaks Mountain, and backlights the desert cacti. From today on, the sun will rise farther to the right every day. On October 20th, the sun will rise again directly behind Four Peaks Mountain. With the North Pole as close to the sun as it gets today, it means the rays of the sun fall at a steeper angle on the earth in the Northern Hemisphere causing the hot months of summer (especially hot here in Arizona where it will be 110°F today, 43°C). Enjoy the extra sunlight today!” 🌞

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