Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Aeropuerto Internacional Sierra Maestra – Manzanillo - Cuba [REVIEW]

Arrived at the airport from Toronto, had to wait in the plane 20min, due to only 2 ladders, and the Montreal plane was loading, and then had to clear the area, This is my 7th trip to Cuba, and this is the worst Cuban airport experience so far.
After getting out of the plane, line up for passport control, 
which was a very long wait, and the line up was out to the runaway.
then after the passport control only one x-rays machine, 
so it took more than 1 hour to get out to the bus.
Then once on the Bus it was a 2 hour ride to the Club Amigo Portillo hotel,
the road was rough , but once you got past the mountains part
it was even rougher

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