Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Discover the truth with a psychic ON the PLISMO BLOG

Next week---- Gonzo
I am so pro-swine flu... I want it. We need a 
plague. It's got to happen; 
don't be afraid. It's only going to
 kill the weak. --[bill burr]
Seriously, any other town you go to there's this little devil and a little angel on your shoulder. A little good advice, a little bad advice.You go to Las Vegas, there's like a devil and a devil and they're just battling it out the whole time. It's like, "Smoke some crack!" "Get a hooker!" And then I go, "YEA! Yea, this is a good town. Smoke some crack and get a hooker! Alright! ~[Bill Burr]

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