Thursday, August 13, 2009

SEEN & unseen

Others live completely in the Unseen World – madmen, mystics and saints whose lives we cannot fathom. Then again, there are those who live mainly with the rest of us, but gain an understanding of how to work with the Unseen. They delve deep to work with it directly, sometimes even attempting to manipulate the Seen World through the practice of arcane arts. These are the occultists, root doctors and reverends. Here your Mother need not be alive for you to visit her, that candle may be a beacon sending a message into the world of spirit, and your favorite dinner dish may have a hint of a strange aftertaste.
Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't. -Erica Jong
You are like a withered leaf, ready to crumble in death's hand, and what preparations have you made? The time is now! Practice, become cleansed, and be ready. (Flaws, v 235-236)

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