Tuesday, August 18, 2009

If it was so

[on a roman wall]-
Quisquis amat. veniat. Veneri volo frangere costas
fustibus et lumbos debilitare deae.
Si potest illa mihi tenerum pertundere pectus
quit ego non possim caput illae frangere fuste?
Whoever loves, go to hell. I want to break Venus's ribs
with a club and deform her hips.
If she can break my tender heart
why can't I hit her over the head?
-CIL IV, 1284.

Dear Pavlos,~Here is your horoscope forTuesday, ~August 18:
Use your amazing energy to poke around and get people to see that things can be better. You may not be an international celebrity, but you still get lots of respect from the right people.

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