Monday, March 14, 2016

INterent GOD

News flash: Internet God, doesn't care about your yer pix, of dogs, cats, yer cause, your pathetic life texts, your hobby, what you did today, wutz u ate, your pix of where you where, or the results of some stupid quiz u took, you are a minion, a cog that feeds Internet GOD. The Mac logo of the Apple with bite taken out of it, Satan said.... take eat of that fruit and it shall be your's.
Internet God wants you to choose, so someone up the food chain can get more information about you, so they can make billions, think, but slaves can't think.
Exploitations, is the name of the game, why do u have generation of walking around zombies looking at screens, (they are obsolete) dupes, screen junkies, unwittingly controlled. Willing scarificed to Web-god.
It's Sunday, u have a problem, no need to get down on your knees, pray to old S&M god. The Eternal damnation thang, no can go to the Internet God , the answers are there, that strange wart on your privates, look it up on www.god, @ GOD. No need to live with fear, Internet God can solve any problem, Amen for internet God.

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