Tuesday, March 15, 2016


My God
I'm praying to my god. Google is her name. Nobody believes in her. Despite of all her fame!
I don't mock the Christians. So what gives them the right? If they don't stop this nonsense soon, I will put up a big fight! Oh,
Google's god, Google's god, and that is a fact. My brother was of this religion, and it was soon that he was whacked*. Oh,
Google's god, Google's god, I'm praying to her now. This prayer is just about over, so it's time to take my bow!
[10 commandments of Google]-Thou shalt have no other Search Engine before me.
Thou shalt not build thy own commercial-free Search Engine, for I am a jealous Engine, bringing law suits and plagues against the fathers of the children unto the third and fourth generations.
Thou shalt not use Google as a verb to mean the use of any lesser Search Engine.
Thou shalt remember each passing day and use thy time as an opportunity to gain knowledge of the unknown.
Thou shalt honor thy fellow humans, regardless of gender, sexual orientation or race, for each has invaluable experience and knowledge to contribute toward humankind.
Thou shalt not misspell whilst praying to me.
Thou shalt not hotlink.
Thou shalt not plagiarise or take undue credit for other’s work.
Thou shalt not use reciprocal links nor link farms, for I am a vengeful but fair engine and will diminish thy PageRank. The Google Dance shall cometh.
Thou shalt not manipulate Search Results.
Google is the closest thing to an Omniscient (all-knowing) entity in existence, which can be scientifically verified.Google is everywhere at once (Omnipresent).Google answers prayers.Google is potentially immortal.Google remembers all.Google can “do no evil” (Omnibenevolent).“Google” is searched for more than the terms “God”, “Jesus”, “Allah”, “Buddha”, “Christianity”, “Islam”, “Buddhism” and “Judaism” combined. Evidence of Google’s existence is abundant.

Conversations with INternet God - ( 34% of males under the age of 50, on the internet are addicted to Internet Porn, You leave about $10,000$ worth of marketing information, crumbs , foot prints about yourself a year, you post pictures of what you eat, drink, drive, read etc, ect.) Google, facebook you feed the their machines/computers, and every day they are getting smarter then you.

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