Wednesday, April 6, 2016

You are Obsolete

For all those that have posted pix of yourself,
 you are in the facial recognition computer, the
 A.I. computer’s will pick you out in seconds, 
you will be caught. You are Obsolete.
This study suggests that narcissists are more likely to show off with selfies and make extra effort to look their best in these photos. Interestingly, psychopathic men posted more selfies, but didn’t tend to edit them more than their less psychopathic counterparts. The study’s authors speculated that this may be because they lack self-control and don’t really filter what they put on Facebook—editing photos suggests a level of careful self-presentation that you would be unlikely to find among those high in psychopathy.
With the Panama papers coming out, just reminder there will always be scumbags, on the hit parade....{And [pablo escobar] this horror included killing 4000 people that included murdering 200 judges, 1000 policemen, journalists and government workers.}

 So great was his fear of extradition that Escobar offered to pay off Colombian government's debt that had reached a massive 10 billion dollars!
After becoming the reigning lord of Medellin Cartel, Escobar was minting as much as $420 million a week!

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