Wednesday, September 30, 2009


The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.~~~Albert Einstein
“He enjoys riding on a philosopher.”
“The leopard is watching his sheep.”
“They had a strawberry vestibule.”
“The men employed by the Gas Company go around and speculate the meter.”
“Her hat is contiguous because she wears it on one side.”
“He preached to an egregious congregation.”
“The captain eliminated a bullet through the man’s heart.”
“You should take caution and be precarious.”
“We should endeavor to avoid extremes–like those of wasps and bees.”
“There are a good many donkeys in theological gardens.”
“A verb is something to eat.”
“A circle is a round straight line with a hole in the middle.”
“Things which are equal to each other are equal to anything else.”
“North America is separated by Spain.”
“The principal products of the U.S. is earthquakes and volcanoes.”
“The Rocky Mountains are on the western side of Philadelphia.”
“One of the leading industries of the United States is mollasses, book-covers, numbers, gas, teaching, lumber, manufacturers, paper-making, publishers, coal.”
“Russia is very cold and tyrannical.”
“Hindoostan flows through the Ganges and empties into the Mediterranean Sea.”
“Ireland is called the Emigrant Isle because it is so beautiful and green.”
– From Mark Twain, “English as She Is Taught: Being Genuine Answers to Examination Questions in Our Public Schools,” 1887

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Holographic principle
Leonard Susskind and Nobel prizewinner Gerard 't Hooft have suggested that the three dimensional space surrounding a black hole can be completely described by a two dimensional behavior of the horizon.[81] They believe this because this can resolve the black hole information-loss paradox. This idea has been made precise within string theory, and it is known as the holographic principle.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


If only I could throw away the urge to trace my patterns in your heart, I could really see you. - David Brandon (Zen in the Art of Helping)

Thursday, September 24, 2009


September 24, 2009~~~Tomorrow YesterdayLove Horoscope
New personal gains and acquisitions may be expected to toddle along at the usual pace, keeping life interesting but without causing too much rearrangement of property or personal life. This creates a comfortable rhythm of the new gradually supplanting the old, to be fondly remembered when things get crazier later on.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace, and the brightest thunderbolt is elicited from the darkest storm.------Charles Caleb Colton, English writer, 1832

Tuesday, September 22, 2009



The hushed barren east Atlantic beach
on a past Phoenician harbour,
where vast sand dunes and waves meet
in a marriage of splendid isolated convenience.
The serene deserted snow covered mesa
where on a past Native flint quarry,
the whispering wind in the naked tree tops
communicating with the frigid Arctic quietude.
These are the tracts where my heart
feels most comfort,
These are are the zones where my mind
is most at ease.
The inner solitude corresponding to
natures outer solitude,
the paradox: the starkness and you
. - [Dec 24/96]
[by Lubinous Labinous]

Sunday, September 20, 2009


From the seed spring two opposing lotus blossoms, representing the dual nature of reality as perceived consciously.
The lotus flowers that come from the seed represent the projections of what our highest potential can be in our normal day-to-day lives.
The mandala is the outer circle of the lotus flower, usually symbolizing wisdom. Buddha nature lies within, but is sometimes hidden from us because of misunderstanding and lack of control in our lives.
"Indicated by a symbol of eternal strength and constancy,The dorje heart of knowledge and emptiness is like the sky How wonderful to see the intrinsic face of reality!"
Translation of Tibetan verse, Acts of the Buddha

Saturday, September 19, 2009

i LOOK @

I look at a ship of stones,
I look at trees of bone marrow
bristling like mad cats,
I look at blood, daggers and women's stockings,
and men's hair,
I look at beds, I look at corridors where a virgin is sobbing,
I look at blankets and organs and hotels.

Neruda, Pablo, pseudonym of NEFTALI RICARDO REYES Y BASOALTO
(1904-1973), Chilean poet,
who is considered one of the major poets of the 20th century.
Quién escribe tu nombre con letras de humo entre las estrellas del sur?Ah déjame recordarte cómo eras entonces, cuando aún no existías.
Who writes your name in letters of smoke among the stars of the south?Oh let me remember you as you were before you existed.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Writing on the Wall
My two angels in the hand or in the burning-bush
Increased the hardness of these impotent men
Living bread... loveth the fruits of my animated wine
Life said not of this time, from the opened ancestors gash
My father... that hath set me up, in these kingdoms come
Man to him... gains... what is in his opened resourcefulness
And he denies the truth, with illusions, with dreams
Answered by the labour of his sweet unkind vices
Said Jesus... of the Chairman, my son... Mao
From the iron barrels, bullets, out of the power
Red propaganda, Red bible, Red butchery spilt
From the RED-club, the feast of maggots and flies
Peter, Paul, doubting Thomas and the Zen-Way
Roman soldiers, grit and storms got in the way
And by the word they stood by weedy curb side
Disciples of revolts, shaman-zombies with stand the way
The father hath sent me on this avocation-dance
He poureth wine from the Holy Grail-goblet
By the countless dew perfumed droplets
Why have you deserted me, why have you forsaken-me?
And beasts of the atomic intergalactic seminars
Mercurialize in the doomed hours, poets beseech
Or weeping in the promenades of hallucination nooks
Vocation on Black-holed macrocosmos, down on Gravitas Street.
poem by Lubinous Labinous

Thursday, September 17, 2009


If the English language made any sense, a catastrophe would be an apostrophe with fur. - Doug Larson
The two most common elements in the universe are Hydrogen and stupidity. - Harlan Ellison

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

David B. Milne

The prestigious American art critic Clement Greenberg described Milne as on of the three greatest North American artists of his generation.

[these pictures are @ the Big Chute, Trent Canal system, also near 6-mile-lake , Ontario, Canada, where he had his cabin.]
David Milne worked predominantly in oil paint, watercolour and drypoint printmaking. Like Group of Seven , Milne primarily chose landscape as his subject matter; however his approach to this subject was considerable less ‘impressionistic’ than the Group’s and had a more ‘modernist’ feel. Milne was influenced in part by the European and American modernists exhibited through Alfred Stieglitz’s gallery.

September 16, 2009Tomorrow Yesterday
Love Horoscope
Have you been looking out for your money? You may either earn a lot or win money soon as this is a lucky period for you. Don't allow good fortune to make you too extravagant. Balance your fiscal indulgences with your income and don't be overly generous. Remember the future may bring times that are far less financially fortuitous.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


[entry100] The word 'Rune' comes from the old German 'runa' -- meaning 'a secret', and also the ancient Norse word 'runar', which means 'a magic sign'. Unlike other written alphabets, however, the rune stones and their 'glyphs' (which were claimed to have been taken from the silent Tree of Life by the Norse God Odin) have acquired a truly magical and mysterious significance.
Rune Stone Reading for Paulismo cast on September 12th
WUNJO -- A feeling of joy, rejuvenation, an abundance of light and relief from all burdens awaits you.
EIHWAZ -- However, you must use foresight in your decisions and protect yourself from any negative energies that may block your good fortune
DAGAZ -- Wisdom, foresight and vigilance can be instrumental in transforming discordant energies into positive outcomes, thereby laying the foundation for increased prosperity
ODIN (Blank Rune) -- The key to a positive outcome lies in your ability to trust your inner wisdom and your tools of guidance.


[the dreams]~#1-It is early in the morning and I see a person standing in a terribly crowded bus. Looking down to the front of the bus I can see even more people pushing and shoving their way in. It is hot and the air conditioning on the bus doesn't seem to be working judging from the sweat pouring down the faces of the people pushing up against this person, and the limp, sticky clothes they are wearing. Then I hear the bus driver say, "Everyone off, this bus is being taken out of service".
~#2-I see a person walking beside a beautiful pool, its blue water glistening from the lights both within the pool and surrounding it. There seems to be a party going on, for all around the shimmering blue water are scores of well dressed, well groomed, successful looking people, talking, sipping champagne and eating the beautifully presented hors d'oeuvres that were being passed around by formally dressed waiters. This person, who is obviously the host, is greeted warmly and respectfully by each guest, and politely acknowledges praise for the party and their incredible success.
To paraphrase a popular saying, "Good fortune only helps those who help themselves."

Monday, September 14, 2009

3 PennyOpera

Here's the original song 'Die Moritat von Mackie Messer' from the 'Threepenny opera' sung by Bertolt Brecht. He wasn't a great singer but I like it anyway. I hope you like it too and enjoy the original version!
Matt. 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Sunday, September 13, 2009



"I don't think so, Homey don't play that. ...

Friday, September 11, 2009


This was done with the free application SUMO paint on the internet u will find it ;

Wwwow Factor - "Sumo Paint"
20 Jul 2009 ... Check out the amazing Sumo Paint! This month's Wwwow Factor is SUMO Paint. SUMO Paint is a free online image editing software (like a basic - Cached - Similar
Sumo Paint: A Very Fine, Free Online Image Editor
30 Jun 2009 ... Sumo Paint is a free web-based image editor with some very impressive features. I'm not going to describe it as a rival or even a serious - Cached - Similar
Shiny Shiny: So long Photoshop! Sumo Paint provides identical ...
28 Jan 2009 ... It's called Sumo Paint, and is available online for free. Yes, no matter what computer you're on, you can now edit images, resize, - Cached - Similar

Thursday, September 10, 2009


A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.-Mark Twain
Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. - Carl Jung

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Did this with the free Program, PhotoScape; which can be download at their site!
PhotoScape is an all-in-one style photo editor with fun and ease of use. Major capabilities are: viewer, editor, batch editor, page, combine, animated GIF, print, splitter, screen capture, color picker, rename, raw converter, resizing, brightness/color/white-balance adjustment, backlight correction, frames, balloons, text, drawing pictures, cropping, filters, red eye removal and blooming. PhotoScape has been used for two years and is expanding its features continuously.

Search Liquida -->


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Bad news for code breakers
By encoding messages using the quantum states of photons, quantum cryptography offers the prospect of completely secure data transmission. However, physicists have found it difficult to make the single-photon sources needed in most variants of quantum cryptography. Now, Frédéric Grosshans of the Institute of Optics in Orsay, France, and colleagues have shown experimentally how to encode data using pulses containing several hundred photons. Their technique remains secure even when the pulses are degraded during transmission
[picture done with the free program PhotoScape- u can get a download at their site]

Monday, September 7, 2009

"The Most Dangerous Game"

Evil is obvious only in retrospect.~Gloria Steinem
"I've always thought," said Rainsford, "that the Cape buffalo is the most dangerous of all big game."
For a moment the general did not reply; he was smiling his curious red-lipped smile. Then he said slowly, "No. You are wrong, sir. The Cape buffalo is not the most dangerous big game." He sipped his wine. "Here in my preserve on this island," he said in the same slow tone, "I hunt more dangerous game."

Sunday, September 6, 2009



It's time again for the annual 'Stella Awards'! For those unfamiliar witht hese awards, they are named after 81-year-old Stella Liebeck, who spilled hot coffee on herself and successfully sued the McDonald's in New Mexico where she purchased coffee. You remember, she took the lid off the coffee and put it between her knees while she was driving. Who would ever think one could get burned doing that, right? That's right; these are awards for the most outlandish lawsuits and verdicts in the U.S. You know, the kinds of cases that make you scratch your head. So keep your head scratcher handy. Here are the Stella's for the past year:*
SEVENTH PLACE*Kathleen Robertson of Austin , Texas was awarded $80,000 by a jury of her peers after breaking her ankle tripping over a toddler who was running inside a furniture store. The store owners were understandably surprised by the verdict, considering the running toddler was her own son. Start scratching!*
SIXTH PLACE *Carl Truman, 19, of Los Angeles, California won $74,000 plus medical expenses when his neighbor ran over his hand with a Honda Accord. Truman apparently didn't notice there was someone at the wheel of the car when hewas trying to steal his neighbor's hubcaps. Scratch some more...*
FIFTH PLACE *Goes to Terrence Dickson, of Bristol, Pennsylvania, who was leaving a house he had just burglarized by way of the garage. Unfortunately for Dickson, the automatic garage door opener malfunctioned and he could not getthe garage door to open. Worse, he couldn't re-enter the house, because the door connecting the garage to the house locked when Dickson pulled it shut. Forced to sit for eight, count 'em, EIGHT days, and survive on a case of Pepsi and a large bag of dry dog food, he sued the homeowner's insurance company, claiming undue mental anguish. Amazingly, the jury said the insurance company must pay Dickson $500,000 for his anguish. We should all have this kind of anguish. Keep scratching. There are more. Double hand scratching after this one..*
FOURTH PLACE *Jerry Williams, of Little Rock, Arkansas, garnered 4th Place in the Stella's when he was awarded $14,500 plus medical expenses after being bitten on the butt by his next door neighbor's beagle - even though the beagle was on a chain in its owner's fenced yard. Williams did not get as much as he asked for, because the jury believed the beagle might have been provoked at the time of the butt bite, because Williams had climbed over the fence into the yard and repeatedly shot the dog with a pellet gun. Pick a new spot to scratch, you're getting a bald spot..*
THIRD PLACE *Amber Carson of Lancaster, Pennsylvania wins, because a jury ordered a Philadelphia restaurant to pay her $113,500 after she slipped on a spilled soft drink and broke her tailbone. The reason the soft drink was on the floor: Ms. Carson had thrown it at her boyfriend 30 seconds earlier duringan argument. What ever happened to people being responsible for their own actions?Only two more, so ease up on the scratching....*
SECOND PLACE*Kara Walton, of Claymont, Delaware sued the owner of a night club in a nearby city because she fell from the bathroom window to the floor, knocking out her two front teeth. Even though Ms. Walton was trying to sneak through the ladies room window to avoid paying the $3.50 cover charge, the jury said the night club had to pay her $12,000....oh, yeah, plus dental expenses. Go figure.OK. Here we go!!!!!*
FIRST PLACE*This year's runaway First Place Stella Award winner was: Mrs. Merv Grazinski, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, who purchased a new 32-foot Winnebago motor home. On her first trip home, from an OU football game, having driven on to the freeway, she set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the driver's seat to go to the back of the Winnebago to makeherself a sandwich. Not surprisingly, the motor home left the freeway, crashed and overturned. Also not surprisingly, Mrs. Grazinski sued Winnebago for not putting in the owner's manual that she couldn't actuallyleave the driver's seat while the cruise control was set. The Oklahoma jury awarded her, are you sitting down? $1,750,000 PLUS a new motor home. Winnebago actually changed their manuals as a result of this suit, just in case Mrs. Grazinski has any relatives who might also buy a motor home.. Are we, as a society, getting more stupid..... or are more members of Congress serving on juries these days?

Saturday, September 5, 2009


It is a man's own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways. - Buddha
art⋅ist –noun
1. a person who produces works in any of the arts that are primarily subject to aesthetic criteria.
2. a person who practices one of the fine arts, esp. a painter or sculptor.
3. a person whose trade or profession requires a knowledge of design, drawing, painting, etc.: a commercial artist.
4. a person who works in one of the performing arts, as an actor, musician, or singer; a public performer: a mime artist; an artist of the dance.
5. a person whose work exhibits exceptional skill.
6. a person who is expert at trickery or deceit: He's an artist with cards.
7. Obsolete. an artisan.

Friday, September 4, 2009


"To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs."~Aldous Huxley

Thursday, September 3, 2009


[for the start of WW2-1939]-
Near the end of the meeting, the Führer seems to become sentimental, saying that he is, after all, "an artist by nature, and not a politician." Once the Polish question is resolved, he says, he will pursue "the life of an artist."

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


"The hottest love has the coldest end." Socrates

Why do fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Success is pathetic because of its need to be respected, honoured and adored. Failure, on the other hand, is glorious in its courage to be loathed, hated and despised.
1. It is only possible to win by failing.
2. In a world motivated by the lie of success the true artist must always endeavour to fail.
3. The true artist doesn't fail in the same dumb way as the compulsive individual, who in his continual striving for success inadvertently fails. The true artist fails mindfully and willfully. And whereas the failure of the compulsive individual invariably brings about sadness and self loathing, the failure of the true artist propels him ever onwards towards the true understanding of the futility of all striving.