Wednesday, September 30, 2009


The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.~~~Albert Einstein
“He enjoys riding on a philosopher.”
“The leopard is watching his sheep.”
“They had a strawberry vestibule.”
“The men employed by the Gas Company go around and speculate the meter.”
“Her hat is contiguous because she wears it on one side.”
“He preached to an egregious congregation.”
“The captain eliminated a bullet through the man’s heart.”
“You should take caution and be precarious.”
“We should endeavor to avoid extremes–like those of wasps and bees.”
“There are a good many donkeys in theological gardens.”
“A verb is something to eat.”
“A circle is a round straight line with a hole in the middle.”
“Things which are equal to each other are equal to anything else.”
“North America is separated by Spain.”
“The principal products of the U.S. is earthquakes and volcanoes.”
“The Rocky Mountains are on the western side of Philadelphia.”
“One of the leading industries of the United States is mollasses, book-covers, numbers, gas, teaching, lumber, manufacturers, paper-making, publishers, coal.”
“Russia is very cold and tyrannical.”
“Hindoostan flows through the Ganges and empties into the Mediterranean Sea.”
“Ireland is called the Emigrant Isle because it is so beautiful and green.”
– From Mark Twain, “English as She Is Taught: Being Genuine Answers to Examination Questions in Our Public Schools,” 1887

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