Friday, September 18, 2009


Writing on the Wall
My two angels in the hand or in the burning-bush
Increased the hardness of these impotent men
Living bread... loveth the fruits of my animated wine
Life said not of this time, from the opened ancestors gash
My father... that hath set me up, in these kingdoms come
Man to him... gains... what is in his opened resourcefulness
And he denies the truth, with illusions, with dreams
Answered by the labour of his sweet unkind vices
Said Jesus... of the Chairman, my son... Mao
From the iron barrels, bullets, out of the power
Red propaganda, Red bible, Red butchery spilt
From the RED-club, the feast of maggots and flies
Peter, Paul, doubting Thomas and the Zen-Way
Roman soldiers, grit and storms got in the way
And by the word they stood by weedy curb side
Disciples of revolts, shaman-zombies with stand the way
The father hath sent me on this avocation-dance
He poureth wine from the Holy Grail-goblet
By the countless dew perfumed droplets
Why have you deserted me, why have you forsaken-me?
And beasts of the atomic intergalactic seminars
Mercurialize in the doomed hours, poets beseech
Or weeping in the promenades of hallucination nooks
Vocation on Black-holed macrocosmos, down on Gravitas Street.
poem by Lubinous Labinous

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