Tuesday, September 15, 2009


[entry100] The word 'Rune' comes from the old German 'runa' -- meaning 'a secret', and also the ancient Norse word 'runar', which means 'a magic sign'. Unlike other written alphabets, however, the rune stones and their 'glyphs' (which were claimed to have been taken from the silent Tree of Life by the Norse God Odin) have acquired a truly magical and mysterious significance.
Rune Stone Reading for Paulismo cast on September 12th
WUNJO -- A feeling of joy, rejuvenation, an abundance of light and relief from all burdens awaits you.
EIHWAZ -- However, you must use foresight in your decisions and protect yourself from any negative energies that may block your good fortune
DAGAZ -- Wisdom, foresight and vigilance can be instrumental in transforming discordant energies into positive outcomes, thereby laying the foundation for increased prosperity
ODIN (Blank Rune) -- The key to a positive outcome lies in your ability to trust your inner wisdom and your tools of guidance.

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