Saturday, September 19, 2009

i LOOK @

I look at a ship of stones,
I look at trees of bone marrow
bristling like mad cats,
I look at blood, daggers and women's stockings,
and men's hair,
I look at beds, I look at corridors where a virgin is sobbing,
I look at blankets and organs and hotels.

Neruda, Pablo, pseudonym of NEFTALI RICARDO REYES Y BASOALTO
(1904-1973), Chilean poet,
who is considered one of the major poets of the 20th century.
Quién escribe tu nombre con letras de humo entre las estrellas del sur?Ah déjame recordarte cómo eras entonces, cuando aún no existías.
Who writes your name in letters of smoke among the stars of the south?Oh let me remember you as you were before you existed.

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