Tuesday, September 15, 2009


[the dreams]~#1-It is early in the morning and I see a person standing in a terribly crowded bus. Looking down to the front of the bus I can see even more people pushing and shoving their way in. It is hot and the air conditioning on the bus doesn't seem to be working judging from the sweat pouring down the faces of the people pushing up against this person, and the limp, sticky clothes they are wearing. Then I hear the bus driver say, "Everyone off, this bus is being taken out of service".
~#2-I see a person walking beside a beautiful pool, its blue water glistening from the lights both within the pool and surrounding it. There seems to be a party going on, for all around the shimmering blue water are scores of well dressed, well groomed, successful looking people, talking, sipping champagne and eating the beautifully presented hors d'oeuvres that were being passed around by formally dressed waiters. This person, who is obviously the host, is greeted warmly and respectfully by each guest, and politely acknowledges praise for the party and their incredible success.
To paraphrase a popular saying, "Good fortune only helps those who help themselves."

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